Skills development tailored to
international organizations' staff
Change does not happen by chance
It requires a deliberate strategy... and support!

⚠️ You already invest in your staff development, but....
➡️ 3-day workshops do not substantially change practices on the job
➡️ Specific trainings do not always lead to improved performance
➡️ Your team's dynamics requires something more than training and workshops
➡️ Managing daily stress and difficult situations is critical for staff, at work and at home
Our international experience tells us that the most common & interconnected determinants of an organization’s impact are:
Project management
Team work

Our team of senior advisors have lived abroad most of their lives and worked within a variety of international and global non-for-profit organizations
With the support of our advisors, your employees will begin a sustainable and gradual process of improving their daily professional and personal practices ➡️ They will build new blocks of desired habits 👍
Experience & evidence
Our method is based on best practices, behavioral science and our 30+ years of experience in international development
Tailored & flexible solutions
You define your own priority areas of development
All actions are tailored to the individual’s needs and existing strengths
A structured & incremental approach
👉Joint diagnostic
👉 Joint goal definition
👉 Incremental practice of new behaviors
Progress tracking & iterations until change
Durable impact
Changes come from within...
Your staff upgrades her/his capacity to design & lead her/his own evolution
👉 1 or several staff of your team
👉 One-on-one sessions for each staff (50min each)
👉 Incremental change practice between sessions + direct access to advisor 💬
👉 Progress tracking & change management
A typical GROWTH CYCLE = 9 sessions over 3 months / staff
⚠️We combine 30+ years of experience in international organizations in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, North America and Europe.
⚠️ We have spent most of our lives abroad.
➡️ International program design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation
➡️ Stress management, recovery, resilience and balance
➡️ Team work and team management
➡️ Living, working, and raising families abroad as expatriates

Julien Hautier
Julien is our co-founder and Sr. Advisor for Results-Based Management. In the past 18 years, he has worked for IOs such as the United Nations, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the French Development agency, among others. He holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, and a Bachelor in Development Economics.

Thibaut Muzart
Thibaut is our co-founder and Workplace Wellness Sr. Advisor. He is a Certified Wellness Coach specialized in helping people integrate stress management, movement, and balance into their lives. Thibaut also worked for international NGOs for 13 years, focusing on performance monitoring and evaluation. He holds a Master’s Degree in Economics and a Master's Degree in International Relations from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University.