Time to explain, reflect upon and maybe “sell” what you have achieved last year ---> How will you approach this moment? What are your expectations this year? A few tips below…
🗝 Key message: Be structured and strategic. Easy to say but what does it mean exactly in practice?
🌟 Tip #1 – Manage your expectations. Clearly define what you want out of this process. But keep in mind that not everyone will get a promotion.
In the sports’ world, making the right team selection is a permanent dilemma for any coach; there are always a few players on the bench that would deserve to be on the pitch. It might not feel totally fair but you will not be in the spotlights every single year. So be reasonable and ask yourself if this year is THE year you want to build your case for a promotion. Or it would make more sense to take a longer shot and prepare the ground for next year or the year after? Or maybe what you need is different: what about aiming at a different workload distribution and a better work-life balance?
🌟 Tip #2. Document your achievements. Do your homework: allocate and dedicate time to document your progress. It will be useful to you at some point.
Usually, organizations have a system where you write down your self-assessment. It might be time-consuming and chances are limited that someone will actually read it carefully or use it as a primary source of information. But one day, it might be useful to build your case and it will be there. At the moment, the main purpose for yourself is to recall all the milestones and key achievements of the year, get clarity and prepare for the interview with your supervisor.
🌟 Tip #3. Link up with your initial work plan and add up. First, get back to your annual performance plan, stick to its structure and complement your report with assignments that came up during the year.
You might not remember all the details of your initial work plan; your supervisor might not either and will not have time to get back to it. Make it easier for everyone: mirror your achievements with your initial targets. To show the extent of your work, organize your report around 3 categories of outputs or activities: i) initially planned and achieved, ii) initially planned, not achieved and why (explain, don’t hide, and take responsibility), iii) not initially planned and achieved (that is beyond initially planned). This allows to account for all the objectives, activities or requests that came up during the year and could potentially go under the radar otherwise.
